Rates Incentive Prize Winners Announced

Published on Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 1:10:13 PM

Congratulations to the following winners of the 2022 Rates Incentive Prize Draw


Coles– Myer Gift Card to the Value of $500.00

$250.00 Voucher for the Westonia Tavern and $100.00 Voucher for the Westonia Community Co-OP


Brad Thomas

 $250.00 Coles Myer Gift Card, $150.00 Voucher for the Westonia Tavern and $150.00 Voucher for the Westonia Community Co-Op.


MT & GF Fox

$200 Pre Paid Gift Card,

A $100 Voucher for the Westonia Tavern, Westonia Co-op Voucher valued at $95.00


DM Hind

$200.00 Pre Paid Gift Card & a $95.00 Voucher for the Westonia Community Co-Op.

Dane & Ben Farina

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