Council Meetings

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Westonia Council meets regularly to make decisions concerning the Shire of Westonia. The decision-making meetings are Ordinary and Special Council Meetings where Councillors debate and vote on the matters contained within the agenda for that meeting. The decisions made at these meetings are implemented by the Shire’s Administration.

Council meetings are chaired by the Shire President and are guided by the Standing Orders Local Law 2009, which details the requirements for meeting facilitation, order of business and adherence to statutory requirements.

Shire of Westonia Ordinary Council Meetings are open to the public and commencing at 3.30 pm. (unless indicated otherwise) on the third Thursday of each month. The meetings are held in  the Westonia Shire Council Chambers, 31 Wolfram St, Westonia.

The public is able to attend and ask questions during Public Question Time. When confidential information needs to be considered, parts of the meeting may be closed to the public.

If you have any queries in relation to Council Meetings please do not hesitate to contact Council's Deputy CEO – Jasmine Geier on 90467063 or Email:

Council Meetings dates for 2024

Meetings of Council commence at 3.00pm on the following dates for the year 2024

  • February – Thursday 15th
  • March – Thursday 21st
  • April – Thursday 18th
  • May – Thursday 16th
  • June – Thursday 20th
  • July – Thursday 18th
  • August – Thursday 15th
  • September–Thursday 19th
  • October – Thursday 17th
  • November–Thursday 21st
  • December – Thursday 19th


Meeting Times

Councillors Briefing Session on Agenda at 1:30pm
Ordinary Council Meeting commences at 3:30pm.
Public Question Time commences as 3:35pm and is limited to 15 minutes.

Public Question Time

Public Question Time is near the start of each meeting where members of the public can ask questions of Council. Anyone wishing to direct a question to Council that may require research is encouraged to give prior notice using the Public Question Time Submission Form so that the answer is available at the meeting. If these questions cannot be readily answered at or during the meeting, Council will take the question on notice and respond either by letter or at the next Council meeting.

Please download, print and complete the Public Question Time Submission Form

Printed versions of the Public Question Time Submission Forms can be delivered to the Shire Administration 8 days prior to the Council Meeting either by post to PO Box 11, WESTONIA WA 6423 email to or in person to the Shire Administration during business hours.


Local Public Notice will be given to any changes to date, time and place.
Council encourages openness at its meetings and the public is welcome to attend any meetings.

Further information can be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer on (08) 9046 7063 during normal business hours.


To subscribe to notifications about Council Meetings please click the link below:

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Past Meetings

Please see our past meetings here.

Council Meeting Dates

Meeting Details

October Ordinary Council Meeting 2024

Thursday, October 31, 2024 - 03:00 PM

View Meeting Details

November Ordinary Council Meeting 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 03:00 PM

View Meeting Details

December Ordinary Council Meeting 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 03:00 PM

View Meeting Details