Mosquito Management Notice

During the summer months or warmer weather each year, the Shire of Westonia carries out a fogging program to help suppress the presence of mosquitoes in and around town. The active chemical within the ‘fog’ is called Aqua K-Othrine which is used by many Local Governments and State Government Agencies around Western Australia.
The fogging program usually commences in October and will cease in/around April of each year, depending on the temperatures and general weather conditions.
As the practice is weather dependent, fogging dates and frequency may vary from week to week, you will however, you will hear the machine operating, usually around dusk (from 5.30pm – 7pm) up to 3 times a week.
If you become aware of the Shire fogging down your street, if possible, move indoors. If your evaporative air conditioner is in operation at the time, it is best to turn the fan off for the duration of the event (it is fine to keep the water component of the air-conditioner running). It is also advised to switch off any reverse cycle air-conditioners, and ensure doors and windows are closed for the duration of the fogging procedure (approx. 30 min). Aqua K-Othrine is a chemical with similar properties to that of household flyspray and while it is not toxic to humans, it is advised that exposure to the ‘fog’ should be limited if practicable.
Going on Holiday?
If you are visiting Perth, Mandurah, the coastal areas south of Mandurah down to Albany, or even the Kimberley/Pilbara region, please take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes that may carry the Ross River, Barmah Forest and Murray Valley encephalitis virus by doing the following: (People travelling interstate and overseas can also be exposed to other mosquito diseases not found in WA, such as Dengue fever.)
Avoid outdoor exposure to mosquitoes from dusk and the first few hours after dark;
- Wear protective (long, loose-fitting) clothing when outdoors;
- Use a personal repellent containing diethyl toluamide (DEET) or picaridin. The most effective and long-lasting formulations are lotions or gels. Most natural or organic repellents are not as effective as DEET or picaridin. Refer to the Guide to personal protection strategies against Australian mosquitoes;
- Install insect screens on doors and windows of homes, and on enclosed outdoor recreation areas;
- Use mosquito nets and mosquito-proof tents if camping/living outdoor; and
- Ensure infants and children are adequately protected, preferably with suitable clothing, bed nets or other forms of insect screening.
Check Possible Breeding Sites Around Home
You should also check possible breeding sites around the home:-
- Dispose of all containers which hold water;
- Keep ornamental ponds stocked with mosquito-eating fish, eg goldfish;
- Keep margins free of vegetation;
- Keep swimming pools well chlorinated and filtered and free of dead leaves.
- Fill or drain depressions in the ground that hold water;
- Vent pipes on septic tank systems must be fitted with mosquito proof cowls;
- Seal all gaps in lid and ensure leach drains are completely covered;
- Screen rainwater tanks with insect proof mesh, including inlet, overflow and inspection ports. Ensure guttering does not hold water;
- Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or fill with sand. Empty and clean animal and pet drinking water once a week;
- Some pot plants (such as bromeliads) hold water in their leaf axils. These should be emptied of water once a week.
Residual pyrethroid sprays, eg deltamethrin, permethrin can be used to further reduce nuisance mosquitoes. However this should not replace the removal and prevention of backyard breeding, which is a permanently effective control.
Larval mosquito insecticides: S-methoprene is registered (in briquette formulation) for control of mosquito larvae (wrigglers) in rain water tanks.
A range of ‘larvicides’ are available for control of mosquito wrigglers in other domestic breeding sites. However, the use of chemicals for adult or larval mosquito control should not replace the removal and prevention of backyard breeding, which is a permanently effective control.
For more information please contact the CEO, Jamie Criddle on 9046 7063 or Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Mr Allan Ramsay, 9046 7063.