Rates & Financial
To provide continued services, upgrades and maintenance to Council and community facilities, Council needs to rate properties.
The Valuer Generals Office provides regular valuations, which are linked with Council's rate in the dollar. Council uses Gross Rental Value and Unimproved Value for its rating purposes.
Council Officers can assist you with the following information and advice relating to:
- Rates information
- Pensioner rates rebate scheme
- Change of ownership and address
- Property enquiries (fees are payable)
- Council elections
- Electoral roll
Rates Officer: Lani Hale- Shire Administration Office
Phone: (08) 9046 7063
Fax: (08) 9046 7001
Email: rates@westonia.wa.gov.au
Ratepayer Information
Council rates are a contribution each property owner makes towards the cost of providing facilities and services in the Shire of Westonia.
The 2022/23 rates are due by 7th September 2022 if paying in full. Alternatively, if you have arranged with us to pay in instalments, those due dates are indicated in the table below.
If you have, or believe you will have, difficulty in paying your rates please contact the Rates Officer on 9046 7063 to make a payment arrangement and avoid legal action being taken. The Shire has taken a strict approach to unpaid rates in recent years and this policy will continue.
Please note that if you make your payment by Online we will not send out a receipt. REFERENCE: Rate Holders Name and/or Assessment No.
In Person 
Bring your intact rate notice to Council’s Customer Service Centre at Wolfram Street, WESTONIA WA 6423.
You can pay by cash, cheque or EFTPOS. MasterCard, Visa cards are accepted.
By Mail 
Make Cheques payable to SHIRE OF WESTONIA, and crossed “NOT NEGOTIABLE”.
Complete and Mail the cheque and payment slip to Shire of Westonia, Wolfram Street, Westonia WA 6423
Direct Debit
ACCOUNT: 209 483 437
REFERENCE: Rate Holders Name and/or Assessment No. Rate Instalments
Rates Instalments
Council gives ratepayers the opportunity to either pay one payment or to pay the rates off by instalments. To be eligible for this payment option the first payment must be received by 7th September 2022.
1st Instalment |
7 September 2022 |
2nd Instalment |
9 November 2022 |
3rd Instalment |
11 January 2023 |
4th Instalment |
15 March 2023 |
Charges on Rate Instalment Plans
The attached budget contains pre covid interest rate of 5.5% charged on Installment plans.
In addition, The administration charge of $12 on each installment has been reinstated
Interest Charges on Overdue rates
The attached budget contains a pre covid interest rate of 11% charged on overdue rates .
Objection to Valuations
Ratepayers may object to the valuation of a property within 60 days of date of issue of the rates notice. To object to a valuation you must lodge an objection in writing to the Valuer General's Office. Information and forms to facilitate this can be found at the Landgate website.
Council Receipts
Receipts will only be returned by mail if specifically requested. For further information refer to the back of the rates notice and attachments.
2022/23 Budget Information & Fees and Charges
View a full list of the Budget Information, Fee & Charges 2022/23here.
Emergency Services Levy
Effective from 1 July 2003, all property owners in Western Australia will pay the Emergency Services Levy, introduced by the State Government. All Local Governments across the State are required to collect the levy on behalf of the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) by including it on the rate notices. This new levy will be listed on rate notice as a separate item and will be clearly identified as the "Emergency Services Levy." All Residential and vacant land property owners will pay a fixed charge levy of $93 in the 2022/2023 year. Mining Tenements will also pay a fixed charge levy of $93 in the 2022/2023 year. Pensioners and seniors who qualify for a rebate on their Local Government rates will be eligible for the same concession on the Emergency Services Levy. The levy will not affect the total rebate limit that pensioners and seniors can claim on rates. The levy can also be paid by instalment as part of a payment instalment plan.
To find out more about the levy, including an online calculator, visit the FESA website www.dfes.wa.gov.au
Early Rates Payment Incentive Scheme
WIN! Ratepayers choosing option one will automatically go in the draw to win a share in prizes as part of the Shire of Westonia’s Rates Incentive Competition.