Works And Services

The Shire Works Crew is responsible for maintaining Council’s parks, gardens and reserves, and 120km of sealed and 765km of unsealed roads.

Maintenance gradingRoad Maintenance

Shire staff carry out regular programmed maintenance on rural and town roads including:

  • Grading unsealed roads
  • Maintaining drains and culverts
  • Fixing pot holes
  • Verge maintenance and pruning
  • Weed control
  • Signs and guide posts

Road Construction

Each year the Shire allocates a significant portion of its budget for road construction works. This work includes the reconstruction of gravel roads and the bitumenising and resealing of roads.

Road construction works are undertaken by Shire staff and private contractors.

Dec 13 Pub GardenParks And Gardens

The Shire is proud of its parks, town gardens and reserves. The Shire employs a full time gardener who works closely with other Works staff to maintain and develop the Shire’s parks and gardens.


Westonia has an unsealed airstrip located near to town which is regularly used by the visiting Royal Flying Doctor Service and others. For information about the airstrip contact the Shire Office on (08) 9046 7063.

Private Works

The Shire’s Works Crew is available to undertake private works for individuals or organisations on a contract basis. The Shire has a modern fleet of earthmoving equipment including a road train, trucks, graders, telehandler, loader, roller and water cart. For more information including private works quotes contact the Works Supervisor on 9046 7063.  All Shire of Westonia plant and equipment (except small equipment like lawn mowers) can only be hired with operator, and the hourly hire rates below reflect this requirement.  Plant can be hired for local use at the below rates:

Hire Rates
ItemLocal Hire Cost
Graders per hr $137.50
Loader per hr $137.50
Telehandler per hr $121.00
Semi Sidetipper/Water Tanker per hr $132.00
Road Train Sidetipper per hr $165.00
Multi-tyre Roller per hr $121.00
Tractor per hr $99.00
Mini Excavator per hr $110.00
Utilities per hr $55.00
Light Truck per hr $66.00
New Tree Planter per day $110.00
Old Tree Planter per day $55.00
Small Equipment per day $33.00
Low Loader per day $242.00