Waste Management
Rubbish Tips
The Shire operates a registered rural landfill site on Leach Road near Westonia which also includes a waste oil disposal facility. Recycling cages for number one plastics, number two plastics and aluminium cans are also present at the landfill site. There is also a nearby site on Carrabin-Westonia Road which accepts green waste.
Kerbside Rubbish Collection
Household waste in 240L mobile garbage bins is collected from residents in the Westonia townsite every Thursday afternoon.
A Lions Club recycling depot is located on Diorite Street in Westonia, adjacent to the sports oval. Newspapers, number one plastics, number two plastics and aluminum cans can be left at the depot for recycling.
The Shire has Drummuster collection sites in Westonia and Warralakin. For information about the next Drummuster collection day contact the Shire Office on (08) 9046 7063.