Shire Services
Westonia Shire Offices
Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm
Wolfram Street, Westonia 6423
Phone: (08) 9046 7063
Email: Located behind historic facades in Wolfram Street, the Westonia Shire Office offers a wide range of Council Services including:
Books, videos and audio tapes are available and Council receives new library books from the State Library of W.A. every six weeks. Special requests can be ordered from anywhere in the state.
Visitor Information
A wide range of information on the local and surrounding areas is available including brochures and maps. Our staff are always willing to chat with visitors about the best places to see and visit.
Transport Licensing
As a regional agent for the Department of Transport, you can renew and apply for driver's and vehicle licences, transfers, update and add concessions and renew your firearm license. Vehicle plates that incorporate the Shire of Westonia logo can also be ordered from the shire offices. The Department of Transport currently charges $200.00 for these plates. Please phone ahead and make an appointment with shire office staff if you have anything more involved than a standard transport licensing renewal for processing.
Community Bus Hire
A 21 seater Toyota Coaster bus is available for hire, with local community and sporting groups given priority over use of the bus. The Coaster Bus can be hired for $0.88 / kilometre plus the cost of re-fueling the bus with diesel (the bus has a 95 litre diesel tank). People hiring the bus will need to provide the driver's licence of the person driving the bus and fill in a short form when the bus is collected, as well as record the odometer reading on the bus at commencement of hire and upon return. In addition the bus must be returned clean and in the same condition as it left the Shire Depot.
Marquee Hire

The Shire of Westonia has a 15 metre X 10 metre marquee that is available for hire. This red and white marquee has both roof and detachable sides. Anyone hiring the marquee must pay a $500 bond. Ratepayers in the Shire of Westonia pay $110 inclusive plus returnable bond to hire the marquee and non-ratepayers pay $550 inclusive plus returnable bond to hire the marquee.
Rates And Council Payments
Staff are available to assist you with your rates enquires and payments.
Westonia Community Resource Centre
Open Monday to Thursday, 9.00am to 5.00pm & Friday, 9.00am to 3.00pm
Wolfram Street, Westonia 6423
Phone: (08) 9046 7077
Situated in the old shire office building, the Westonia Community Resource Centre provides a range of facilities including internet access, tourist information, Skype, faxing, photocopying, photoprinting, laminating, community events, lifestyle courses, occupational training and design and publishing services. The CRC also produce the local community newspaper, The Westonian on a fortnightly basis. This community publication can be sent free of charge to interested individuals by email. The Community Resource Centre also sells mobile phones, post cards, birthday cards & scrapbooking supplies.