Royal Flying Doctor Service

Westonia is serviced by the visiting Royal Flying Doctor Service on a six weekly cycle. For information and appointments contact the Shire Office on (08) 9046 7063.

Southern Inland Health Initiative Nurse Practitioner Laura Black also services the shire on a weekly basis, consulting at the Shire of Westonia Doctor's Surgery room most Wednesdays between 9 am and 3 pm.  Laura can provide most repeat scripts, referrals or requests for blood tests & x-rays, wound treatment & care, flu injections, other vaccines & immunisations, routine health checks such as pap smears, etc.  Appointments with Nurse Practitioner Laura Black can be booked by phoning the Shire Office on 9046 7063.

Perth Pathology provide a monthly pathology service at the Shire of Westonia Doctor's Surgery room.  Registered Nurse Jeannie Maddock takes blood from 8.30 am in the morning until all patients are seen.  Blood test referral forms from all other pathology companies are also accepted.  For information and appointments contact the Shire Office on (08) 9046 7063.

Merredin District Hospital (08) 9081 3222
Southern Cross District Hospital (08) 9049 1101
Merredin (08) 9041 2900
Southern Cross (08) 9049 1152
Merredin (08) 9041 1735