Local Government Elections

Under the Local Government Act 1995 (Act), Ordinary local elections are held every two years on the third Saturday in October. Council members are elected for a term of four years.

Further information regarding local government elections can be found at the following websites:

WA Electoral Commission

Department of Local Government

Under the Local Government Act 1995, to be eligible to nominate as a candidate for a local government election, the candidate must be

  • 18 or over
  • Enrolled as an elector of the district
  • Cannot be a nominee of body corporate
  • Have completed the mandatory online candidate induction course https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/
  • Is not a candidate in another election for councillor

A person cannot nominate as a candidate if they are:

  • A member of parliament
  • An insolvent under administration
  • Convicted of a crime and is in prison serving a sentence for that crime
  • Convicted in the preceding 5 years of a serious local government offence
  • Have been convicted of an offence for which the penalty was imprisonment for more than 5 years
  • An elected member of another local government
  • Misapplication of funds or property


Council elections are held every second year on the third Saturday of October at the Shire of Westonia Administration Office, 41 Wolfram Street, Westonia from 8.00am to 6.00pm. The Shire President is then elected from amongst the Councillors and represents the combined electorate.

Enrolment forms to vote in the upcoming Local Government Election are available from the Shire of Westonia Administration Centre in Westonia and must be lodged by 5pm Friday 25 August 2023.

Who can Vote?

Ratepayers and residents of the Shire of Westonia are entitled to vote in local government elections.

You might need information about your voting entitlements if you:

  • Live in the Shire of Westonia and recently turned 18
  • Own a business that owns or leases a property in the Shire of Westonia
  • Live outside the Shire but own property and pay rates in the Shire of Westonia

You can visit the WA Electoral Commission website to check if you are enrolled.



You can vote at Council elections if you are registered on the State Roll as a resident, before the rolls close.

Claims for enrolment on the State Roll should be made at any Australian Electoral Commission in Western Australia.

Owners and Occupiers

You are also eligible to be enrolled to vote if you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property, provided that you are on a State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll. However, it is essential that you lodge an enrolment form. You can obtain an enrolment form from any local government office and lodge it with your local Council before closing day.

If you are not on a State or Commonwealth electoral roll, a claim can still be accepted, provided you were on the last owner and occupier's roll for that electorate and have continued to own or occupy rateable property in that electorate continuously since that roll was prepared.

To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you will need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal documents for at least the next 3 months following the date of the application to enrol.

Joint Owners and Occupiers

If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two persons, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are either on the State or Commonwealth rolls, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.


A body corporate which owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two persons who are on either the State or Commonwealth electoral rolls, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

Enrolling to vote

Residents who are not yet registered on the State Roll or who have moved since the last election and need to update their details, please follow the link below.


To be registered on the Owners and Occupiers Roll please download, complete and return one of the following forms.

Form 2 - Enrolment eligibility claim form

Fill in this form if you own or occupy rateable property in a district or ward, but are not represented on the residents roll (Western Australian Electoral Commission Roll) for that district or ward and want to be able to vote at local government elections for that district.

Form 2

Form 2A- Application to register a nominee for a body corporate

Fill in this form if: a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two persons, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are either on the State or Commonwealth rolls, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

Form 2A

Form 2B- Application to register a nominee for joint owners and occupiers

Fill in this form if: a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two persons, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are either on the State or Commonwealth rolls, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

Form 2B

How to Vote

This election is 'first past the post', meaning that you only need to tick the box next the candidate you are voting for. Please read the information contained in your postal voting package to ensure you fill out your ballot paper correctly.

Your vote can be either posted prior to the election day or placed into the Ballot Box located at our Administration Office at 41 Wolfram Street, Westonia prior to the election day or on the election day from 8.00am to 6.00pm.

All postal elections are managed by the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC), which appoints a Returning Officer for each election.

Ordinary and extraordinary elections use the first past the post method of voting

More information 

For more information on local government elections, please contact the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC):

Council Elections

Local Government Elections